Special needs transport for students

Special Needs Transport may be available for eligible students: from home to the closest appropriate disability education setting located in an ACT public school from school to home (or respite or after school care if it is available within the existing transport...

Age Friendly Suburbs Program

The Age Friendly Suburbs Program started in 2015-16. It involves improvements to the path network to provide better access. The focus of the Program is on access for the aged community and those with more specific mobility needs. But we know these improvements benefit...

Gender Sensitive Urban Design Implementation Toolkit

The Gender Sensitive Urban Design (GSUD) Toolkit is a comprehensive resource designed to provide designers with essential principles, practices, and strategies for creating inclusive public spaces. With a particular focus on the needs of women, girls, gender diverse...

Active Travel Plan and Design Guide

This Plan outlines ACT Government priorities for strengthening active travel and improving quality of life. Projects included throughout demonstrate what these priorities mean in practice.

National Walking and Cycling Participation Survey 2023

The National Walking and Cycling Participation Survey (NWCPS) provides insight into walking and cycling activity across Australia and is a successor to the National Cycling Participation Survey which was conducted biennially from 2011 to 2019.