Cycling and Walking Australia and New Zealand (CWANZ) Communique June 2018 

Mission Statement 

To collaborate in the national interest to implement strategies and actions that will rapidly improve the conditions for and uptake of cycling and walking on Australia and New Zealand transport and recreation networks 

CWANZ Meeting # 1 

CWANZ held its first meeting on 16 May 2018 in Melbourne, attended by nearly all non-observer members1, either in person or via teleconference. The aims of the meeting were to approve the CWANZ overview document, Terms of Reference, Code of Conduct and objectives; review and refine challenges faced by CWANZ; and identify the major deliverables action points for the next two years. This document provides a summary of the outcomes of the meeting. 

1. Documents 

The CWANZ overview document and Terms of Reference are attached to this document (Appendix A). 

2. Objectives 

The objectives of CWANZ agreed upon at the meeting are to facilitate and enable: 

1. More people cycling and walking as integral elements of liveable, healthy and productive communities. 2. Increased investment in cycling and walking from all levels of government. 3. Applied innovation and learning. 4. National consistency and harmonisation. 5. Making the case for cycling and walking. 

3. Working Groups 

It was agreed at the meeting that Working Groups will be formed as required to undertake any projects required to achieve CWANZ’s objectives. The Working Groups will be chaired by a member of CWANZ, with membership being from CWANZ organisations and any other relevant organisations that can provide a valuable contribution to the given project. 

1 The Tasmanian Government member and Australian Federal Government member, who has observer status, were unable to attend. A list of member organisations is provided in Appendix A. 

4. Action Points 

To achieve these objectives, CWANZ will focus on the following actions from 2018 -early 2020: 

  • Promoting Cycling and Walking 
  • Increased Investment 
  • Monitoring and Evaluation 
  • Improving Safety 
5. Logo and Website 

A logo for CWANZ has been prepared and is shown in the header of this document. It is anticipated that it will be finalised by mid-June. The CWANZ website will be built as a basic portal by August 2018 and will be upgraded as CWANZ progresses. 

6. Next Meeting 

The next meeting will be held in Perth on Monday 23 July 2018. Paul Steely White, Executive Director of Transport Alternatives in New York City, will be a special guest for the first part of the meeting. 

Appendix A – CWANZ Members 

 Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate, ACT Government 

 Transport for NSW 

 Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, Northern Territory Government 

 Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland 

 Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, South Australia 

 Department of State Growth, Tasmania 

 Transport Accident Commission, Victoria 

 Department of Transport, Western Australia 

 New Zealand Transport Agency 

 Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities, Australian Federal Government (observer status) 

 Active Transport, Victoria 

 Amy Gillett Foundation 

 Bicycle Network 

 Bicycle Queensland 

 Cycle Action Network 

 Heart Foundation 

 Living Streets Aotearoa 

 RAC Western Australia 

 Victoria Walks 

 We Ride Australia 

 Auckland Transport 

 Cairns Regional Council 

 Central Coast Council 

 City of Parramatta 


Appendix B – Terms of Reference 

Cycling and Walking Australia and New Zealand (CWANZ) 

Terms of Reference 

Mission Statement 

To collaborate in the national interest to implement strategies and actions that will rapidly improve the conditions for and uptake of cycling and walking on Australia and New Zealand transport and recreation networks 


Cycling and Walking Australia and New Zealand’s objectives are to facilitate and enable: 

 More people cycling and walking as integral elements of liveable, healthy and productive 


 Increased investment in cycling and walking from all levels of government 

 Applied innovation and learning 

 National consistency and harmonisation 

 Making the case for cycling and walking 


This document sets out the terms of reference for Cycling and Walking Australia and New Zealand (CWANZ). 

Operating Procedures 

1. Chair 

CWANZ is chaired by a Government Agency member (state, territory or NZ) via an internal election process. The Chair is appointed with a non-renewable two year tenure. Western Australia will chair the group for the first two years with subsequent Chairs elected via a nomination and ballot process within the CWANZ membership. 

2. Executive Officer A full-time staff member will provide secretariat functions and attend each meeting. 

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  1. Membership 

Membership of CWANZ will comprise: 

  1. One representative from each state/territory/New Zealand transport agency (Senior/Executive level) 
  2. Four local government representatives (Senior/Executive level) 
  3. Nine advocacy group representatives (Senior/Executive staff or Board members) 
  4. One Australian Federal Government representative (Senior/Executive level) as an optional observer, with the possibility of moving to a permanent Member at a later stage. 

Individuals representing each group listed above may change as appropriate. 

Other relevant government agencies may be invited to join the group in a temporary or permanent capacity. Invitations will be issued by the Chair following discussion with the current members. 

Membership for local government and advocacy group representatives is valid for two years and Members can renominate for a maximum of three two-year terms. 

All Members must abide by the Code of Conduct. 

4. Alternative Delegates 

Alternative delegates can be put forward to the Chair for consideration, when Members are unable to attend particular meetings. 

5. Quorum 

Quorum for meetings will be at least one third of Members, including the Chair, or their delegate, and shall include at least one: 

 State/territory/New Zealand transport agency representative 

 Local government representative; and 

 Advocacy group representative. 

6. Conflicts of Interest 

Each Member or their delegate (where appropriate) will declare any potential conflict of interest. 

7. Accountability 

The role and functions of CWANZ is advisory to Australian and New Zealand Transport Ministers and Governments. It is not a decision-making forum and meetings will use a consensus model for seeking agreement from Members on issues. 

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8. Meeting Schedule 

CWANZ will meet in person on a quarterly basis three to four times per year. Other meetings will be held by tele or video conference as required. 

9. Working Groups 

Working groups may be created to drive key items. Working groups may contain members outside the formal CWANZ membership to ensure appropriate skill sets are available for the matter under consideration. 

Working group membership will be determined on a case-by-case basis and is subject to approval by the Chair in consultation with Members. All working groups will be chaired by a Member of CWANZ. 

10. Communication 

Usually, CWANZ correspondence will be by electronic means. A database of Members’ contact details will be maintained by the Executive Officer. 

11. Agenda The Chair will prepare an agenda for each meeting. Any Member may submit items of business to be placed on the agenda with the approval of the Chair. The agenda of regular meetings will include (as a minimum): 1. Attendance 2. Minutes and actions from the previous meeting 3. Strategic discussion items 4. Working group updates 5. Other business 6. Next meeting The agenda for regular meetings will be made available to Members by e-mail at least seven days before each meeting. Copies of all documents associated with a meeting will accompany the agenda or be tabled at the meeting. Documents for information or noting may be circulated to members upon receipt and in advance of a meeting, to be noted during the meeting. 

12. Social Media 

Members are encouraged to share positive outcomes on social media. At end of each meeting Members will agree on items to be shared. 

13. Minutes 

Draft minutes will be distributed to members no later than ten working days after the meeting where they were recorded. 

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Minutes must include the date, time and place of meeting. Details of attendance and apologies must be recorded accurately. Items will be written in the order in which they appear in the agenda, irrespective of the order they were discussed during a meeting. Each item will be labelled as confidential or non-confidential. 

Resolutions will be recorded accurately and numbered sequentially for each calendar year. Any actions to be taken will also be recorded, together with the initials of the relevant Member delegate(s) responsible for completing the action. 

Minutes will be confirmed at the next scheduled meeting with a quorum, and will be signed by the Chair and filed in the record of minutes. 

Minutes of all CWANZ meetings will be recorded and kept by the Executive Officer. 

14. Confidentiality 

Generally, items discussed during meetings will not be considered confidential, unless identified by the Chair or individual speaker. 

15. Public Communique 

CWANZ will post on its website a public communique of each meeting within 28 working days of the meeting. Its purpose will be to generally inform the public of progress on actions, as well as assist members of the CWANZ in communicating broad issues to their stakeholders. 

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Executive Officer