Inter-modal hierarchical prioritisation

We encourage the application of inter-modal hierarchical prioritisation (I’M-HiP) to active transport infrastructure, such as footpaths, shared paths, and bicycle paths where these intersect with minor roads.

Active Travel Design Guide

he Design Guide offers technical design recommendations for walking links, bicycle links, intersections and street greening. It builds on previous successes and achievements and will inform designs for future projects.

Tasmanian Walk, Wheel, Ride Policy

This policy updates the Positive Provision Policy for Cycling Infrastructure. The 2013 policy aimed to inform State Government decision-making in relation to investment in cycling infrastructure, particularly in the planning and design of new roads and road upgrades....

Planning and designing for active transport

Collaborating with and guiding state and local government and industry partners to plan, design and develop active transport solutions to help make it an easy choice for people of all ages and abilities to walk, wheel and ride.