Prioritising Active Transport

This report provides coverage of interventions effective in growing active transport mode share. A prioritisation framework was developed to select the interventions that are most impactful in boosting active transport mode share. Significant increases in mode share...

NT Infrastructure Strategy 2022 to 2030

The NT Infrastructure Strategy 2022 to 2030 articulates a vision for infrastructure investment that enables the Territory economy and population to grow while supporting the wellbeing and quality of life for all Territorians, underpinned by sustainability and...

20-Year State Infrastructure Strategy – South Australia

The Strategy sets out a statewide, long-term strategic direction and initial priorities for infrastructure development in South Australia, to be built upon in future iterations. The first Strategy was framed around achieving five objectives: Sustained economic and...

Tasmanian Cycling Infrastructure Design Guide

The Tasmanian Cycling Infrastructure Design Guide has been developed to support the design of infrastructure, in particular on-road treatments, that enable more people to ride. This can be new cycling infrastructure, or upgrades to existing routes. The guide seeks to...