Safe active street interim design guidance

This document provides interim guidance for designing safe active streets in WA, focusing on creating routes where vehicle speeds are reduced to 30 km/h to ensure safe and comfortable shared use. It will be updated based on findings from the Safe Active Streets Pilot...

Active Travel Design Guide

he Design Guide offers technical design recommendations for walking links, bicycle links, intersections and street greening. It builds on previous successes and achievements and will inform designs for future projects.

Tasmanian Cycling Infrastructure Design Guide

The Tasmanian Cycling Infrastructure Design Guide has been developed to support the design of infrastructure, in particular on-road treatments, that enable more people to ride. This can be new cycling infrastructure, or upgrades to existing routes. The guide seeks to...

Tasmanian Walk, Wheel, Ride Policy

This policy updates the Positive Provision Policy for Cycling Infrastructure. The 2013 policy aimed to inform State Government decision-making in relation to investment in cycling infrastructure, particularly in the planning and design of new roads and road upgrades....