Prioritising Active Transport

This report provides coverage of interventions effective in growing active transport mode share. A prioritisation framework was developed to select the interventions that are most impactful in boosting active transport mode share. Significant increases in mode share...

National Urban Policy

The National Urban Policy supports our highest priorities, from equitable access to jobs, homes and services, to climate resilience and lowering emissions. It includes a shared vision for sustainable urban growth, as agreed by National Planning Ministers. It...

National Road Safety Action Plan 2023-25

The National Road Safety Strategy 2021-30 (the Strategy) was agreed to by the Australian Government and all state and territory governments in May 2021. It sets the agenda for co-ordinated and planned government action to improve road safety over the next 10...

National Road Safety Strategy 2021-30

Australian governments at all levels are working together with our communities to change the road transport system to prevent deaths and serious injuries on our roads. The National Road Safety Strategy represents all governments’ commitment to deliver significant...