Prioritising Active Transport

This report provides coverage of interventions effective in growing active transport mode share. A prioritisation framework was developed to select the interventions that are most impactful in boosting active transport mode share. Significant increases in mode share...

Safer Cycling Infrastructure: Design and policy

iMOVE’s Safer cycling and street design: A guide for policymakers project was a two-year investigation with Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and the University of NSW on how to best integrate cycling into urban and suburban environments in order to interest more people in...

Active Travel to Schools Programs

An overview of active travel to schools programs across Australia and New Zealand, their key features and what makes them successful. Also includes a comparison of the number of children that use active travel to school from around the world.

Active Travel to School: Ride or Walk to School (Safe Cycle)

PROGRAM FEATURES:  Free access to sets of loan bikes for five weeks Safe Cycle: an Australian Curriculum aligned classroom program for students to learn about bike safety and skills TQI Accredited Professional Learning workshops or online training Resources and...