Special needs transport for students

Special Needs Transport may be available for eligible students: from home to the closest appropriate disability education setting located in an ACT public school from school to home (or respite or after school care if it is available within the existing transport...

Age Friendly Suburbs Program

The Age Friendly Suburbs Program started in 2015-16. It involves improvements to the path network to provide better access. The focus of the Program is on access for the aged community and those with more specific mobility needs. But we know these improvements benefit...

Safe Active Streets Pilot Program

Department of Transport WA has been working with Western Australian local governments to develop, trial and evaluate ‘safe active streets’ which use local area traffic management treatments to encourage more people to walk, wheel and ride in their...

Get NSW Active

The Get NSW Active program provides local councils with funding for projects that create safe, easy and enjoyable walking and cycling trips. These trips help to relieve pressure on our roads and public transport networks and are part of a healthy lifestyle for NSW...

Movement and Place

Movement and Place is a cross-government framework for planning, designing and managing our transport networks to maximise benefits for the people and places they serve.