Tasmanian Walk, Wheel, Ride Policy

This policy updates the Positive Provision Policy for Cycling Infrastructure. The 2013 policy aimed to inform State Government decision-making in relation to investment in cycling infrastructure, particularly in the planning and design of new roads and road upgrades....

NSW Public Spaces Charter

The NSW Public Spaces Charter (PDF, 1.7 MB) has been developed to support the planning, design, management and activation of public spaces in NSW. It identifies 10 principles for quality public space, developed through evidence-based research and discussions with...

Transport for students with special needs – Policy

The Education Act 2015 (NT) stipulates that parents are responsible for ensuring that their children receive an education. This includes their responsibility to ensure their child/ren have appropriate transport to travel to and from school. The Department of...

Accessibility Policy

The PTA Accessibility Policy has been developed as the overarching document for access.  Our Accessibility Policy outlines how the PTA shall, as far as reasonably practical, provide public passenger transport services and facilities that are accessible to all...