Accessible Public Transport Action Plan 2020-24

The Accessible Public Transport Action Plan 2020-24 outlines how the Department of Transport and Planning is continuing to eliminate barriers to public transport journeys. This action plan complements and supports other Government plans: Inclusive Victoria: State...

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2020-2024

The Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2020-2024 (DAIP) details the Department for Infrastructure and Transport’s (the Department) commitment to promoting, protecting and enhancing the rights of people living with disability in South Australia. The Plan includes...

Active Travel Plan and Design Guide

This Plan outlines ACT Government priorities for strengthening active travel and improving quality of life. Projects included throughout demonstrate what these priorities mean in practice.

Planning for walking

Including: Pedestrian network characteristics Developing walking network plans Mapping walkable catchments (‘ped sheds’) Prioritising walking infrastructure Walking strategies and local action plans Pedestrian demand forecasting Accessing public transport Community...