by Sam Bolton | Nov 18, 2024
Working to build nationally consistent data to support reducing road trauma in Australia
by Sam Bolton | Oct 13, 2023
On this page: Pedestrian counts Queensland Household Travel Survey Crash data Measuring the value of walking infrastructure Walking participation surveys Methodologies for conducting community walking surveys Crowd-sourced data Metrics and...
by Sam Bolton | Sep 22, 2023
The National Walking and Cycling Participation Survey (NWCPS) provides insight into walking and cycling activity across Australia and is a successor to the National Cycling Participation Survey which was conducted biennially from 2011 to 2019.
by Sam Bolton | Apr 12, 2022
This dataset contains the propensity index for cycling across different areas. It also contains the report that examines spatial relationship between areas with high propensity for cycling with high concentrations of short distance car trips.
by Sam Bolton | Apr 7, 2022
Victoria is still striving to become a world-class cycling location. A lack of safety is the major barrier to people getting on their bikes. How it feels to ride a bicycle has an impact on people’s willingness to ride. BikeSpot 2020 provides the opportunity for...