LOCATION: Multiple busy shopping strip centres

SPEED REDUCTION: 50 km/h to 40km/h


STATE & COUNTRY: Victoria, Australia


  • Electronic variable speed signs
  • Advance warning signs


COST: Not available

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Introduced in areas of high pedestrian activity


  • There was a 14% average reduction in the rate of all casualty crashes (per km per day) after introduction of the 40 km/h zones
  • The reductions in crash rate were similar for crashes occurring at midblock locations (17% reduction in crashes per km per day), however there was no significant reduction in crashes at signalised intersections
  • The casualty crash reduction was largest for casualty crashes that involved vehicles only (20% reduction in the incidence rate)
  • There was no significant effect on the incidence rate of pedestrian-involved crashes
  • There was no statistically significant change in the rate of cyclist-involved crashes
  • There was a 14% reduction in the rate of cyclist-involved casualty crashes at midblock locations and a 48% increase in the rate of crashes involving cyclists at signalised intersections.
  • The greates reduction in crashes occurred on straight roads, with sheltered parking on both sides of the road and with fewer off-street parking facilities
  • Crash reduction was greater on roads without a painted chevron median (that is, roads with either no median, a raised island median, or a median with a tram) and without a tertiary education institution present.
  • The odds of a casualty crash reduction occurring after treatment were almost five times higher on roads with railway stations compared to roads without railway stations.