
This page contains some key resources on walking and cycling, including an archive of the documents produced by the Australian Bicycle Council.

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Transport Access Strategy
Department of State Growth

The Transport Access Strategy sets out the Tasmanian Government’s approach to providing better integrated and coordinated land-based passenger transport services for all Tasmanians, particularly those disadvantaged through economic circumstances, age or disability.

The strategy aims to improve social connectivity and access to employment (paid and voluntary), training and education, services and recreational opportunities by focusing on progressing the following priority areas:

  1. Living closer: improving opportunities for people to live closer to employment, education, services, recreational opportunities and key transport corridors.
  2. Working together: fostering stronger collaboration and partnership between governments, key service providers, and public, private and not-for-profit transport providers.
  3. Connected transport system: focusing on frequent, efficient, accessible, affordable and reliable transport services.
  4. Better integration: ensuring public transport is easier to use through better coordination and integration of services.
  5. Closing transport gaps: developing innovative approaches to enable transport-disadvantaged members of the community to overcome transport barriers.
  6. Innovative pricing: developing innovative pricing mechanisms to support the greater use of public transport in order to make it more viable.
  7. Improved infrastructure: providing more opportunities for people to walk, cycle and use public transport by making sure infrastructure is safe, accessible and attractive to use.
27/05/2024 View
Planning a Cycling Network
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

Provides users with best practice guidance, either directly or through links to appropriate sources for all stages of planning a cycle network

19/10/2021 View
Journey Planner
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
13/08/2021 View
City Plan
ACT Government

This City Plan sets a vision for future development in the city centre and was officially launched in March 2014.

20/07/2021 View