
This page contains some key resources on walking and cycling, including an archive of the documents produced by the Australian Bicycle Council.

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Date Added
Pedestrian and Walking Guidance and Resources
Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland


13/10/2023 View
Active Travel to School Program: Ride2School
Bicycle Network


  • Bike education
  • Open Streets: open up the streets around schools at drop-off and pick-up times so that children and adults can walk and ride freely, without having to worry about car traffic
  • MIND.BODY.PEDAL: a series of four workshops in one day for secondary schools that aims to inspire more teenage girls to get active through bike riding
  • ActiveSuite: designated routes (ActivePaths) and local maps (ActiveMaps) that identify walking and riding routes within a 5-10 minute zone of a given school


COST: Not available


Suite of programs to help break down the barriers that prevent more students from staying active on their journey to school. Culminates in National Ride2School Day.


09/01/2023 View
Travel planning toolkit guidelines and resources
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

The Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency travel planning toolkit provides you with guidelines and resources to make business trips and staff travel to and from work more efficient. You will find links to many resources to help you develop your workplace travel plan.

07/04/2022 View
Workplace Cycling Guide
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

This online guide provides all the key information to help your workplace better provide for people on bikes.

18/08/2021 View
Keeping Cities Moving
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has developed a plan to deliver on social, environmental and economic outcomes by growing the share of travel by public transport, walking and cycling (also known as mode shift).
For urban areas to thrive people need to be able to move around easily and have a range of choices about how they get to work, connect with family and friends and access services. We need to build a modern transport system with a mix of reliable transport options that help keep people and products safely moving.
The Waka Kotahi plan – Keeping cities moving – looks to do this through three main ways: shaping urban form, making shared and active modes more attractive, and influencing travel demand and transport choices.
The plan outlines 35 interventions that seek to increase the pace of change in cities and ensure that investment is targeted to help provide more transport choice and ultimately reduce car dependency.

04/08/2021 View
Move more, sit less
Tasmanian Government

The Move more, sit less campaign aims to raise awareness of the benefits of regular physical activity and minimising sedentary behaviour.

30/07/2021 View
Active Commuting
Transport Canberra and City Services

Re-think your work journey to save time and money. Active travel is a great way to incorporate regular physical exercise into your daily routine.

22/07/2021 View
Active Travel Programs
Transport Canberra and City Services

School environments are busy during the morning and afternoon peak periods. The best way to reduce congestion and increase safety in these environments is to encourage more children to use active travel, which includes walking, riding or public transport.

21/07/2021 View
Your Move
Department of Transport, WA

Your Move is an active lifestyle program that helps people find simple ways to get active and connected. Your Move offers information and support to make it easier to get active.

07/07/2021 View