
This page contains some key resources on walking and cycling, including an archive of the documents produced by the Australian Bicycle Council.

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National Road Safety Action Plan 2023-25
Commonwealth of Australia

The National Road Safety Strategy 2021-30 (the Strategy) was agreed to by the Australian Government and all state and territory governments in May 2021. It sets the agenda for co-ordinated and planned government action to improve road safety over the next 10 years.

The National Road Safety Action Plan 2023-25 (the Action Plan) was agreed by all Infrastructure and Transport Ministers in December 2022. The Action Plan was developed cooperatively by the Australian, state and territory government, in consultation with key road safety stakeholders and the Australian Local Government Association.

It is the first Action Plan under the Strategy, and sets out the key actions all governments will undertake to 2025, in pursuit of the agreed priorities identified in the Strategy.

02/12/2024 View
The 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide

The 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide describes our plan for how Adelaide should grow to become more liveable, competitive and sustainable. It will guide the long-term growth of the city and its surrounds over the next 30 years.

02/12/2024 View
State Public Health Plan 2019-2024 (South Australia)
SA Health

The State Public Health Plan 2019-2024 (PDF 1MB), establishes a new and aspirational vision for a healthy, liveable and connected community for all South Australians. This vision is supported by four strategic priorities, under the headings of the public health approaches of promote, protect, prevent and progress.

The Plan provides a framework to work together to take early action to protect health, prevent illness and promote physical and mental health and wellbeing for all South Australians.

02/12/2024 View
South Australia’s Road Safety Action Plan (2023-2025) 
Government of South Australia

South Australia’s Road Safety Action Plan (2023-2025) is a rolling three-year action plan, which is reviewed annually.

It sets out the South Australian Government’s actions to achieve its 10-year targets to reduce lives lost by 50% and serious injuries by 30% in line with the Road Safety Strategy to 2031 and the National Road Safety Action Plan 2023-25.

The action plan has ten central themes:

  • Schools and local places
  • Public transport, cycling and walking
  • Motorcyclists
  • Aboriginal road users
  • Road user behaviour
  • Road safety in the workplace
  • Regional and remote areas
  • Heavy vehicles
  • Vehicles and technology
  • Research and data.

A progress report will be published annually.

02/12/2024 View
South Australian Walking Strategy 2022-2032: Action Plan 2022-2025
Preventative Health SA

This three-year Action Plan has been developed taking into consideration input received following consultation with the community on the Walking Strategy in 2021. It has been developed recognising that:

  • this is the first of three Action Plans and we must collectively build momentum in this first iteration to support increased leadership; and
  • investment in walking is required throughout the entire 10-year Strategy.

The practical and achievable initiatives described within this Action Plan reflect initiatives already being led at the state level and have been stretched in many instances to better support walking as a priority for the South Australian community.

02/12/2024 View
Inclusive Victoria: state disability plan (2022–2026) 
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing

Inclusive Victoria: state disability plan (2022–2026) is Victoria’s plan for making our community inclusive and accessible for everyone.

27/05/2024 View
Accessible Public Transport Action Plan 2020-24
Department of Transport and Planning

The Accessible Public Transport Action Plan 2020-24 outlines how the Department of Transport and Planning is continuing to eliminate barriers to public transport journeys.

This action plan complements and supports other Government plans:

The action plan was developed in consultation with the Department of Transport and Planning, Safe Transport Victoria and public transport operators and advocates.

The action plan sets out the steps the Victorian Government is taking to improve access to public transport and contributes to the Victorian State Disability Plan 2013-2016 and complies with the Federal Government's Disability Discrimination Act 1992.

27/05/2024 View
Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2020-2024
Department for Infrastructure and Transport, South Australia

The Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2020-2024 (DAIP) details the Department for Infrastructure and Transport’s (the Department) commitment to promoting, protecting and enhancing the rights of people living with disability in South Australia. The Plan includes clear and measurable actions and targets designed through community and Departmental consultation to give effect to the priority areas of the State Disability Inclusion Plan 2019-2023 (the State Plan), as they relate to the purpose and activities of the Department.

24/05/2024 View
Active Travel Plan and Design Guide
ACT Government

This Plan outlines ACT Government priorities for strengthening active travel and improving quality of life. Projects included throughout demonstrate what these priorities mean in practice.

01/03/2024 View
Planning for walking
Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland


17/07/2023 View
Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2020-2022
Department for Infrastructure and Transport, South Australia

The Disability Access and Inclusion Plan details the Department for Infrastructure and Transport’s commitment to promoting, protecting and enhancing the rights of people living with disability in South Australia. The Plan includes clear and measurable actions and targets designed through community and Departmental consultation to give effect to the priority areas of the first State Disability Inclusion Plan 2019-2023, as they relate to the purpose and activities of the Department.

19/05/2023 View
Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2018 – 2022
Transport for NSW

The NSW Government is funding numerous projects under the Transport Access Program to upgrade train stations, ferry wharves and interchanges. New infrastructure, such as the Sydney Metro Northwest and the CBD and South East Light Rail, are being built to the very highest standards of accessibility.

We have invested in new trains, buses and ferries – all which have improved accessibility features.

The Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2018-2022 builds upon the successes of the previous plan, the Disability Action Plan 2012-2017, to set an ambitious agenda for the next five years.

This document presents a vision of a more accessible future for transport in NSW. More importantly, it outlines concrete, measurable steps towards achieving that vision.

19/05/2023 View
Disability Access and Inclusion Plan
Department of Transport, Main Roads Western Australia and Public Transport Authority

The PTA, together with our Transport Portfolio partners Main Roads and the Department of Transport, has developed the Transport Portfolio Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) for 2022-2027.

The DAIP aims to ensure that people with a disability have the same opportunity as other people to access PTA public transport services, information and facilities.

The PTA has also developed the PTA Implementation Plan for Transport Portfolio Disability Access and Inclusion Plan which demonstrates our commitment to providing a high level of independence for all passengers.

19/05/2023 View
Accessibility and Inclusion Plan 2023–2024
Department of Main Roads and Transport Queensland

The TMR Accessibility and Inclusion Plan 2023–2024 was developed to outline the practical actions TMR will take over the next 2 years to deliver our vision. 

To develop the plan, we looked at best practice research, data and analysis, international accessibility and inclusion reporting frameworks, key indicators of success, and we engaged our customers, partners and staff.

This plan outlines 27 actions across 3 key pillars:

  1. Strategy
  2. Culture
  3. Process

We will report our progress on the plan actions and in 2024 we will develop an updated plan based on key learnings, co-design activities and emerging trends. 

This plan is available in the following accessible formats: 

19/05/2023 View
Personal mobility device plans
Deaprtment of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland

Personal mobility devices include things like e-scooters, e-skateboards and self-balancing one or two-wheelers.

The recent boom in the use of personal mobility devices has created some safety issues as riders share a range of infrastructure with other road and path users. 

Shared e-scooter and e-bike hire schemes have also become commonplace across Queensland. While these schemes are a great mobility option, they have created some problems with parking on footpaths.

To address safety and parking concerns Deaprtment of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland are delivering:

  • Personal Mobility Device Safety Action Plan
  • e-Mobility Parking Plan
01/05/2023 View
Waka Kotahi Cycling Action Plan
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

The Waka Kotahi Cycling Action Plan sets out a pathway to significantly increase the safety and attractiveness of cycling and micromobility in towns and cities across Aotearoa New Zealand.

It outlines the strategic priorities for Waka Kotahi, and includes the detailed actions we will take, alongside our partners, to help achieve the substantial shifts required. While it is not a funding plan, it will help inform future transport prioritisation and investment decisions.

01/05/2023 View
Active Travel to School Roadmap 2023-2030
Department of Transport WA

The Active Travel to School Roadmap aims to reverse the declining rate of walking and cycling to school in Perth.

Containing 24 initiatives, the Roadmap seeks to address key urban planning, policy, individual and social factors, and enable more children to walk, bike ride, scoot and catch public transport to school.

The Roadmap was developed by a dedicated Active Travel to School Working Group, which was established by the Bicycle Riding Reference Group, and has been endorsed by the Departments of Transport, Education and Health, the Road Safety Commission, the Western Australian Local Government Association and the Institute of Public Works and Engineering Australasia.

Delivery of the Roadmap will commence in 2023 and progress will be reported to the Bicycle Riding Reference Group.

21/03/2023 View
Keeping Cities Moving
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has developed a plan to deliver on social, environmental and economic outcomes by growing the share of travel by public transport, walking and cycling (also known as mode shift).
For urban areas to thrive people need to be able to move around easily and have a range of choices about how they get to work, connect with family and friends and access services. We need to build a modern transport system with a mix of reliable transport options that help keep people and products safely moving.
The Waka Kotahi plan – Keeping cities moving – looks to do this through three main ways: shaping urban form, making shared and active modes more attractive, and influencing travel demand and transport choices.
The plan outlines 35 interventions that seek to increase the pace of change in cities and ensure that investment is targeted to help provide more transport choice and ultimately reduce car dependency.

04/08/2021 View
NSW Regional Transport Plans
Transport for NSW

Major gains on key transport infrastructure and services for the region’s growing communities.

Central Coast, Central West, Hunter, Illawarra, Mid North Coast, Murray-Murrumbidgee, New England North West, Northern Rivers, Southern, Western

03/08/2021 View
NSW Long Term Transport Master Plan
Transport for NSW

The NSW Long Term Transport Master Plan sets the framework for the NSW Government to deliver an integrated, modern transport system that puts the customer first. The Master Plan plays two fundamental roles. First, it identifies the challenges that the transport system in NSW needs to address to support the State’s economic and social performance over the next 20 years. It guides decision-makers to prioritise actions that address the most pressing challenges.
Second, it identifies a planned and coordinated set of actions (reforms, service improvements and investments) to address those challenges. It provides a map of future service and infrastructure developments which future decisions will be required to support, and against which proposed investments can be evaluated.

03/08/2021 View
Towards Zero Growth: Healthy Weight Action Plan
ACT Government Department of Health

The action plan establishes local action to build on the work of the National Partnership Agreement on Preventive Health, the work of clinicians and nongovernment bodies, and on the many ACT programs already in place under our Healthy Weight Initiative. It will take the healthy weight agenda beyond the Health portfolio and improve coordination across government.

21/07/2021 View
City Plan
ACT Government

This City Plan sets a vision for future development in the city centre and was officially launched in March 2014.

20/07/2021 View
Building an Integrated Transport Network - Active Travel
Transport Canberra and City Services

The ACT Government's Building an Integrated Transport Network (the Active Travel Framework) recognises that walking and cycling are essential parts of Canberra's transport system. Through active travel initiatives, we're integrating walking and cycling into Canberra's overall urban planning, transport, health, environment and education systems.

19/07/2021 View
Sydney CBD to Parramatta Strategic Transport Plan
Transport for NSW

The Sydney CBD to Parramatta Strategic Transport Plan is a transport plan to improve the way people move along and around one of Sydney’s most important and busiest areas, the corridor between Sydney CBD and Parramatta.

15/07/2021 View
Northern Territory Infrastructure Plan and Pipeline
Infrastructure NT

The NT Infrastructure Plan and Pipeline 2023 provides a detailed roadmap of the investments that will enact the Territory Government’s vision to reduce crime, rebuild the economy and restore lifestyle. The Plan and Pipeline identifies infrastructure that is needed to support both economic and population growth.

13/07/2021 View
Towards Zero Action Plan 2024-28
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, NT

The Towards Zero Road Safety Action Plan 2024-2028 (Towards Zero 2024-2028) aims to reduce road-related trauma, encourage a responsible road culture and motivate Territorians to be part of the solution to improve road safety outcomes.

Towards Zero 2024-2028 is a 5 year road safety action plan focusing on 10 road safety priority areas for the Northern Territory. The action plan is guided by the National Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan. Towards Zero 2024-2028 was developed in consultation with a range of stakeholders across the Territory including Road Safety Round Tables in Darwin and Alice Springs in 2023, and feedback on the Towards Zero Road Safety Discussion Paper in early 2024.

12/07/2021 View
Principal Cycle Network Plans
Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland

Principal Cycle Network Plans show core routes needed to get more people cycling more often. Routes shown are indicative and exist to guide further planning. The plans are intended to support, guide and inform the planning, design and construction of the transport network.

Read the Queensland Principal Cycle Network Update - Results of 2022 Community Consultation report to learn more about the consultation process and feedback received. 

08/07/2021 View
WA Bicycle Network Plan
Department of Transport, WA

The WABN Plan aims to make WA a place where cycling is safe, connected, and convenient and a widely accepted form of transport.

06/07/2021 View