
This page contains some key resources on walking and cycling, including an archive of the documents produced by the Australian Bicycle Council.

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Walking data
Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland

On this page:

13/10/2023 View
National Walking and Cycling Participation Survey 2023

The National Walking and Cycling Participation Survey (NWCPS) provides insight into walking and cycling activity across Australia and is a successor to the National Cycling Participation Survey which was conducted biennially from 2011 to 2019.

22/09/2023 View
Cycling Propensity
Transport for NSW

This dataset contains the propensity index for cycling across different areas. It also contains the report that examines spatial relationship between areas with high propensity for cycling with high concentrations of short distance car trips.

12/04/2022 View
CrowdSpot and the Amy Gillett Foundation

Victoria is still striving to become a world-class cycling location. A lack of safety is the major barrier to people getting on their bikes. How it feels to ride a bicycle has an impact on people's willingness to ride.

BikeSpot 2020 provides the opportunity for all Victorians to share their perceptions of cycling safety and help develop new insights for the prioritisation of cycling safety improvements.

07/04/2022 View
Household Travel Survey (HTS)
Transport for NSW

The most comprehensive source of personal travel data for the Sydney Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA). Find out how and why people travel.

07/04/2022 View
Household Travel Survey Report: Sydney 2012/13
Transport for NSW

Understand the travel behaviour and trends of the residents of Sydney Greater Metropolitan Area during 2012/2013, together with trends over the previous decade.

03/08/2021 View
Sydney Cycling Survey 2011
Transport for NSW

The NSW 2021 strategic business plan establishes a target to more than double the mode share of cycling among trips up to 10 km in the Sydney Greater Metropolitan Area by 2016. In order to achieve this target, Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) and the Bureau of Transport Statistics (BTS) commissioned Sinclair Knight Merz to develop a survey method to monitor performance towards this target. This survey was first undertaken in November 2010 and as referred to as the Sydney Cycling Survey (SCS) 2010.

03/08/2021 View
Bike Barometer and Active Travel Data
Transport Canberra and City Services

A bike barometer has been located at the intersection of the Sullivan’s Creek shared path and MacArthur Avenue in O’Connor since November 2017. It counts the number of cyclists using a ground sensor.

22/07/2021 View
Cycling Statistics
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, NT

Cycling statistics in Darwin, Alice Springs and Super Tuesday bike commuter count for the Northern Territory.

13/07/2021 View