
This page contains some key resources on walking and cycling, including an archive of the documents produced by the Australian Bicycle Council.

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CWANZ Design Innovations Working Group Practice Note: Contraflow Cycling in Quiet Streets

The CWANZ Design Innovations Working Group undertook a review of contraflow cycling lanes in quiet streets. This report presents the evidence, technical advice, and implementation and design. Examples of streets with contraflow cycling lanes in Australia and New Zealand are given.

06/10/2022 View
CWANZ Design Innovations Working Group: Use of Banana Deflection Rails

The CWANZ Design Innovations Working Group undertook a review of the use of banana deflection rails (banana bars) in Australia. In undertaking this review, they considered the Traffic and Road Use Management Volume1–Guide to Traffic Management Part 6: Intersections, Interchanges and Crossings (2020) prepared by the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR), and Municipal Infrastructure Standards (MIS) 05 – Active Travel Facilities Design, prepared by Transport Canberra City Services (TCCS).

12/07/2022 View